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Culpeper Soccer Club

Culpeper Soccer Club

Referees Point of Contact

CSC Referee Points of Contact

Zoe Fry

Referee Assignor & Referee Mentor

[email protected]

CSC Referee Requirements

CSC Referee Requirements

As of March 2016

Attendance and Scheduling:

  1. Please report your availability to your assignor by Sunday night for the following weekend.
  2. The weekend schedule will be published by Wednesday night; you are expected to report for your scheduled games or else find a substitute. Please report changes to your assignor.
  3. If you are assigned a game and you are a relative of a player, coach, or volunteer on that  team, please inform the assignor.
  4. It is your responsibility to be at the field, dressed and ready, by 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. This includes being properly uniformed.
  5. Do not begin a match if the field and equipment are not correct. The home team coach is responsible for making the required corrections. You are to begin the game clock on time and continue play with the time remaining once the corrections are made. The goal is to finish on time to keep the schedule flowing.
  6. Failure to meet a properly scheduled obligation will result in disciplinary action, typically two weeks off the schedule. Other actions will be discussed with league representatives.
  7. Mid-week makeup games are sometimes scheduled with short notice; only volunteer for these assignments if you are certain you are available.
  8. It is your responsibility to check the soccer hotline or website for weather cancellations.
  9. You may submit a game report if you show up in good faith for a game which is not played (a team fails to show or must forfeit for some reason). Explain the circumstances on the game report comments section. Allow 15 minutes from the scheduled time.
  10. You are expected to maintain your referee certification with annual attendance at a re-certification class. Always wear your current certification patch.


Limitations Referee on Assignments

CSC Youth Recreational Games

  • Grade 9 referees may only receive assignments as CR for all CSC youth recreational ages though U12
  • Grade 9 referees may be assigned as ARs for all youth recreational age groups
  • Grade 8 referees may be assigned to any positions at any age level.
  • CR should be at least two years older than the age group they are officiating.


ODSL Youth Travel Games

Restrictions will be in accordance with ODSL assignment policies.

CSC Adult Recreational Games

  • Grade 7 referees may be assigned as CR for Adult Recreational games.
  • Grade 8 or Grade 9 referees may be assigned as ARs for Adult Recreational games, provided they are at least 14 or older and have at least 1 year experience.


  1. You are performing a service for the league and the teams; always conduct yourselves in a professional and respectful manner. This includes wearing the uniform properly, starting on time, and avoiding any appearances of favoritism. This also includes your knowledge and application of the Laws of the Game and the Culpeper Recreation Rules.
  2. You are subject to discipline for failing to act in a professional manner.
  3. There is a CSC Field Official present for all weekend games. Avoid getting involved in any sort of disagreement or argument with anyone; stop play and send an AR for the CSC Field Official as needed.


Center referees (CR's) are responsible for submitting game day reports by Sunday night of the previous days' games worked.  These game reports are your referee team's (CR, AR1 and AR2) game verification.  No game report, no pay.  These reports also serve for future planning, for example upgrading to grade 7 referee status.  There is no exception to this requirement.

CSC Referee Tips and Reminders

CSC Referee Tips and Reminders


Do not start a game unless the field and equipment are correct:

• Goals are securely anchored and mechanically sound. No sharp edges. Nets are secured with no gaps on edges and no holes.

• Field is lined and corner flags in place.

• Potential safety hazards are eliminated.


You or ARs must check each player for proper equipment:

• Jewelry is not allowed and using tape to cover jewelry is not acceptable.  Medical bracelets are permitted, but must be wrapped and taped down so nothing will catch on it.

• Players must wear proper, safe footwear. No exposed metal, no tip-of-the-toe cleat.

• Players must wear shin guards. These must fit properly and be completely covered by the sock for the entire game.

• Players may wear arm casts, but they must be completely wrapped (to blunt impacts and prevent catching; thick towel or bubble wrap are suggested).

• All items of clothing or equipment other than the basic must be inspected by the referee and determined not to be dangerous.  If an item of clothing or equipment that has been inspected becomes dangerous or is used in a dangerous manner during the match its use must no longer be allowed.

• Player uniforms must be visible--sweat pants or wind pants are acceptable in cold weather, but uniform shirt must always be the outermost garment. Use your discretion in permitting teams to dress for cold weather. Be sure goalkeeper is clearly identifiable.

• Orthopedic braces must have no exposed metal or sharp edges.


Your referee uniform:

• Look sharp and be professional! Shirt tucked in, socks up, proper patch.

• Shoes must be black or mostly black with other trim.

• Only black long-sleeved shirts may be worn under short-sleeved referee shirts.

• Shorts or long pants must be all black.

• Do not wear jewelry.

• Generally, sunglasses are discouraged. If needed, sunglasses must be conservative.

• Black stocking caps are acceptable as needed. Under normal circumstances, referees should not wear a brimmed (baseball-style) hat.

• Long hair must be pulled back.

• Do not wear your whistle around the neck.


On the field:

• Look sharp and be professional!

• Use that whistle! Be assertive with your calls. Do not accept quibbling or any backtalk, deal with such incidences accordingly.

• Strive for consistency. Stay calm, focused, and always professional. Coaches, players, parents may get emotional but you should not! No matter what! Take your time in all things… think , decide, then act!

• You will make mistakes! How you handle them reflects upon your reputation. No one is perfect, so do not dig a deeper hole by making up new rules or being vague. Learn from it, and move on


Helpful references:

Laws, updates, articles

Ask/answer with experienced refs, good stuff:

Training, articles, opportunities, links:


Culpeper Soccer Club
145 W. Davis St. (Mailing Address: PO Box 1105), Office Hours: by appointment
Culpeper, Virginia 22701

Phone: 540-825-0886
Email: [email protected]

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